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Archive for August, 2009

For the love of bunny

August 26th, 2009 at 04:25 am

So I recently took a road trip with my honey and my two kidlets. The youngest has a bunny blanket thing that she drags everywhere...and I mean everywhere. We caught on early how much she loved it and bought a back up bunny, but there is a certain sense of security in having two. Well, we dragged this bunny across 3 states and as we were on the home stretch of the drive home, we realized bunny got left in the bathroom of a fast food restaurant. It had been over an hour since driven off from the restaurant and were 60 miles north of it. I desperately called the restaurant and thankfully they had it. We sent down a prepaid envelope for them to mail it back and I'm calling them daily to make sure they have it and see when they send it.

This made me wonder, how could get another one of these bunnies? They were a toys r us exclusive and they no longer carry them (we look all the time). I found the bunny on ebay. One for $70 and another for $40. And this doesn't even include shipping! What if we only had 1 bunny and I left the sole lovey at the restaurant? Could I ever justify spending this much money on a lovey for my baby girl? Anyone else ever encounter such a dilemna?

Keep your fingers crossed that I can get bunny back soon!